Wednesday, May 19, 2010

GPS Rennovations Needed, Please!

In today's automotive market, the simple fact is made known that in the case of most car-buyers: if it isn't new and decked out with our favorite technology-friendly gadgets, we don't want it! This need for most consumers to have the best-of-the-best and receive absolutely everything they have ever wanted in a car has caused motivation in the car market to steadily be on the rise. Ford Motor Company, GM, and Toyota alike all strive to make the best car, with the best gadgets while aiming for the best, and highest-paying customer. In order to do this however, these infamous car companies concentrate on what they can put in the car to sell it, to make their customers and their wallets, love them. They strike deals hailing from major GPS companies such as Magellan as well as others, and provide their customer with the ultimate driving experience--right in their own vehicle! This type of intelligence being available at the driver's finger-tips seems almost too good to be true most times, and that is because most times, it is.

Once you stop by your most sought after New Hampshire Ford and Cincinnati Ford dealer, you'll find these great cars and be blown away by their amazing quality and even greater ability to help you find your way around even the most confusing roads. However, one problem you will run into with even the most current GPS' falls in the inconvenience times you may run into by re-directed traffic or unexpected rush-hour traffic. This complication seems to be in the lack of intelligence this equipment has failed to achieve in the present time. Instead, the major GPS companies have concentrated their efforts in 'locational intelligence' that still are remotely improving year-by-year.

The need for this intelligent form of equipment is great. The automotive market, as well as the buyer's market, is sure to accept this revised GPS with open arms and warm hearts. The trick behind establishing this software, and selling it with fat contracts to well-known automotive company's is to sell at the right price, to the right people, at the right time.

While we wait for the right price, and right time to come, we'll just stick with what we've got while we have it.

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